Financial Reports

Centre for African Justice Financial Reports

CAJPHR Financial Report from 2021

The Centre for African Justice, Peace and Human Rights works tirelessly to continue bringing awareness and help make changes for a better and more equal Africa. In this document you can find information on the status of our Financial Situation in 2021.

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CAJPHR Financial Report from 2020

Centre for African Justice, Peace and Human Rights never stops working hard to create a fair and better Africa. In this document you can find information on the status of our Financial Situation in 2020.

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CAJPHR Financial Report from 2019

In the year of 2019, we focused all our efforts and financial support in promoting justice, peace and human rights through education, awareness, and campaigns. Consequently, the Foundation’s did not make any investment in fixed assets this year, which means that our fixed assets remained the same as 2018 minus depreciation. Also, due to the investments of our Board Members, we could keep our current assets in a similar situation comparing to last year’s report. 


CAJPHR Financial Report 2017_2018

Stichting Centre for African Justice, Peace and Human Rights (CAJPHR) is a non-profit foundation located in the “city of peace” and legal capital of the world in the Netherlands. Its head office is located at Laan Meerdervoot 70, 2517 AN, The Hague, The Netherlands. CAJPHR started as a human rights initiative in Africa and consequently, in 2017 became a legal establishment in the Netherlands.